3 Days Until Christmas

‘Twas the eve before the flight to Florida. An author that goes by the name of Rei Link travelled to Shinagawa. She had to collect her new visa extension. 

It’s cold but clear. The queue for the bus is five miles long. She’s had no breakfast. She might faint. 

She arrives at immigration. Collects her visa. Goes back to the station. Goes to Shinjuku and mails her Christmas presents to the U.K. She then changes yen to USD. 

She then goes to Ogikubo. She works. She runs a Christmas party for toddlers. She prepares for the first week back in January. She leaves the school and goes home. 

She eats. She checks she has everything for her holiday. She checks in online. She celebrates. She showers. She sleeps. It Twas the night before the flight to Florida.  


6 Days Until Christmas 

Got the best Christmas present ever! Flights to Florida, a big Christmas bonus, work visa extended, and 10 days holiday with my boyfriend.  

Advice from an author – not everyone will like what you write. So long as you like it, then that’s what really matters.