Plotting the Plot

The hardest thing about being a writer (or trying) is the plotting. I’ve got to make sure it all links up, ties together, and fully researched. 

I have so many things to help me with it. 

On my door I have a brief plot linear taped. There I can quickly check something, or add something. 

Then I have a characters, names, places and objects notebook. I describe and research and break down those things in there. 

Then I have another book where I do a detailed plot break down with the sub plots. 

On top of that I have various coloured highlights that each have its own importance. 

I also have sticky tabs and 3 notebooks to hand write the 1st draft. 

That’s all for one book. 

A Successful Author is Someone Who…

So I think that being an author (or in my case trying to be) it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done … That besides when I do acting. 

Being an author is like being an actress. There is a larger guarantee to be out of work rather than in work, i.e. getting paid. 

I’m not a failed author, as I’ve not attempted to publish paid works yet. I will be soon.

This week I’ve got to do research. A lot of research. This chapter this week won’t survive without it. 

If I want to make the sale, I’ve got to get it perfect. 

A successful author is someone who doesn’t give up their books and dreams of being a published author. 


Tomorrow I shall release a free short story that I wrote, on here for children. It’s about the Japansese festival Setsubun. 

It will be to help Japanese children and English speakers understand what to do in the festival of Setsubun. 

Stop the World! I Want to be an Author!

I want to be an author, but you can’t be an author until you have officially been published and have one person to have read it in its final form. 

To get your book on the shelves and published, you need to promote. 

To be published you’ve got to have a finished perfect book approved by a publishing company. 

To be approved by a publishing company, you’ve got to have a good sales pitch. 

To have a good sales pitch, you have to have a finished overwritten final draft that can survive with editing. You’ve also got to have a good cover letter and even invest in a literary agent. 

To get to a literary agent, you have to have your great idea go through several stages. 

To get through those stages, it’s good to have a peer author or friend who won’t steal you ideas. 

To get chapters to your peer, you need to write it. 

To write a chapter, you need to plot it. 

To write, you need a detailed broken down plot, characters written down and fleshed out with character traits, looks and significance. You also need a subplot. 

To have a detailed plot, you need to have an outlined sketched of a brief chapter break down, that can link each chapter together. 

To link each chapter together, you need a good idea. 

To need a good idea, you need a brain. 

Or you could just do all of that yourself. 

I’ve got a long way to go. 

Will You Read This?

That’s exactly my point. Sometimes trying to be an author is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. You get just as much snooty flack as you do if you’re an actor. I know. I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt, hat, shoes, and butt that goes with it. 

Being an author (or trying to be) is the hardest sales pitch. Even if I didn’t want to get a publisher, I’ve got to do my own self-publishing and get people interested to. 

Question is, will you even read this post?

I’m On a Roll!

My horror book is well under way right now. 

The initial plan is completed with characters, names, each chapters plots, time, day, relationships, and sub plots. 

Chapters 1 and 2 have had their first draft completed, typed, and sent for peer-proofing. I am now waiting on its results, so I can go ahead with the second draft and rewrites. 

Chapters 3 and 4 have had their first draft completed and are waiting to be typed for peer-proofing. 

Chapter 5 has been planned and outlined in detail. The first draft will be written this week. 

I’m on a roll!

Gin or Jinn

It’s hard. The last couple of months have been the hardest. 

I have reason to research into the Jinn after everything that’s happened. Sometimes I wonder if it’s better that I have tot of gin rather than researching the Jinn 

 It’s such an obscure topic. 

I think that if I find something out I might put it into the horror story I’m writing. Maybe. 

12 Days Until Christmas 

Today I’ll be going out for Christmas coffee and write, write, write! Why? Because I have time. 

Author advice number 10 – if you can trust one friend who’s not interested in writing, but likes reading, then maybe you can consider them to be your harsh critic before you send it to publishers.  


13 Days Until Christmas!

It’s getting a lot closer. When I am not writing I also work with children. We worked on Christmas decorations this week. We made a Santa and a Christmas tree and other things.  

   The children are getting very excited.  
Advice from an author number 9 – write when you have time.