Stop the World! I Want to be an Author!

I want to be an author, but you can’t be an author until you have officially been published and have one person to have read it in its final form. 

To get your book on the shelves and published, you need to promote. 

To be published you’ve got to have a finished perfect book approved by a publishing company. 

To be approved by a publishing company, you’ve got to have a good sales pitch. 

To have a good sales pitch, you have to have a finished overwritten final draft that can survive with editing. You’ve also got to have a good cover letter and even invest in a literary agent. 

To get to a literary agent, you have to have your great idea go through several stages. 

To get through those stages, it’s good to have a peer author or friend who won’t steal you ideas. 

To get chapters to your peer, you need to write it. 

To write a chapter, you need to plot it. 

To write, you need a detailed broken down plot, characters written down and fleshed out with character traits, looks and significance. You also need a subplot. 

To have a detailed plot, you need to have an outlined sketched of a brief chapter break down, that can link each chapter together. 

To link each chapter together, you need a good idea. 

To need a good idea, you need a brain. 

Or you could just do all of that yourself. 

I’ve got a long way to go. 

Will You Read This?

That’s exactly my point. Sometimes trying to be an author is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. You get just as much snooty flack as you do if you’re an actor. I know. I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt, hat, shoes, and butt that goes with it. 

Being an author (or trying to be) is the hardest sales pitch. Even if I didn’t want to get a publisher, I’ve got to do my own self-publishing and get people interested to. 

Question is, will you even read this post?

Happy New Year!

I want to share my New Year’s message with the world. I hope that you will find it invigorating and uplifting. I hope that this message will inspire you and that you will share it with everybody to inspire them.

Happy New Year from Japan! I hope that 2016 will bring you everything that you want, and that you can achieve everything that you set out to do in 2016.

I hope that all you aspiring writers to be/authors to be will be able to publish the book of your dreams, and has it reached the highest success you could possibly imagine. 

To the actors and performers and people in the entertainment industry where I originated from, I hope that you get all the team roles that you want and all the dream jobs out there. I hope that you are able to work continuously throughout the year.

To everybody else who works in different industries. I hope that 2016 things if you success and achievements.

To those without jobs or looking for work I hope that you find the job that you want.
To those fighting in a different country, I hope that you survive and I able to return to your families. To the UK soldiers thank you for what you do and your service to the country.

To the homeless and anybody that I have missed, may I wish you happiness and joy and that you have everything that you want in 2016.

Happy New Year love from Rei Link.